Vol. 3 No. 2 (2010): Costellazioni tempestive. Warburg- Adorno-Benjamin, Adorno

Walter Benjamin: un melanconico allievo di Aby Warburg

Published 2012-05-15


  • Benjamin,
  • warburg,
  • Melancholy

How to Cite

Bertozzi, M. (2012). Walter Benjamin: un melanconico allievo di Aby Warburg. Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi dell’estetico, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.13128/Aisthesis-11010


Walter Benjamin tried to get in touch with Panofsky and the Warburg’s circle, but the attempt failed. This article examines the chapter on melancholy of Benjamin’s The Origin of the German Tragic Drama (1928) and his main sources, i. e. Warburg’s essay Pagan-Antique Prophecy in Words and Images in the Age of Luther (1920) and Panofsky-Saxl’s work Dürers Melencolia I (1923). Benjamin interpreted the melancholy of the German Tragic Drama as a jump back to the deadly sin of sloth: he saw the saturnine melancholy under the sign of the medieval acedia.


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