Vol. 1 (2016)

La dialettica dell’Illuminismo prima di Horkheimer e Adorno. Aspetti del processo ai Lumi nel Novecento

Published 2016-07-26


How to Cite

Borghero, C. (2016). La dialettica dell’Illuminismo prima di Horkheimer e Adorno. Aspetti del processo ai Lumi nel Novecento. Diciottesimo Secolo, 1, 1–36. https://doi.org/10.13128/ds-18685


Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialektik der Aufklärung is one of the much-discussed books about Enlightenment of the 20th century, but the ground in which it has its origins is not yet satisfactorily investigated in all its different aspects. This essay tries to fill this gap showing how the debate of the first decades of the Nineteenth century is at the origin of Horkheimer and Adorno’s spiritual categories and especially of their wide interpretation of Aufklärung, which they make coincide with all the modernity and even with the whole Western thought.


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