Vol. 9 (2024)

Le tragedie di Pierre Brumoy: fra teatro di scuola e ripresa della tragédie sainte

Filippo Fassina
Università del Piemonte Orientale

Published 2024-10-07


  • Jesuit theater,
  • Querelle des Anciens et modernes,
  • Biblical tragedy,
  • French Tragedy,
  • Eighteenth Century,
  • Brumoy
  • ...More

How to Cite

Fassina, F. (2024). Le tragedie di Pierre Brumoy: fra teatro di scuola e ripresa della tragédie sainte. Diciottesimo Secolo, 9, 101–114. https://doi.org/10.36253/ds-14687


The most important text by the French Jesuit Pierre Brumoy, is undoubtedly the Théâtre des Grecs of 1730, which has had a profound influence on the reading of classical theatre texts in Europe. Less known is his theatrical production, to which the author chooses to dedicate himself in the final phase of his life and which, in part, wants to be an explanation of the theories illustrated in the Théâtre des Grecs. Brumoy publishes five plays (two tragedies: Isac and Jonathas, ou Le triomphe de l’Amitié; a pastoral: Le Couronnement du jeune David and two comedies: La boëte de Pandore, ou La curiosité punie and Plutus) in the fourth volume of a miscellany of texts entitled Recueil de divers ouvrages en prose et en vers, published in 1741. The focus of this work is on religious plays that can be used to explore an interesting and unstudied aspect of Brumoy’s figure.


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