Vol. 6 (2021)

Uno studio d’architettura civile locale. Giuseppe Boschi e le «vere regole delle proporzioni armoniche»

Iacopo Benincampi
Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

Published 2021-11-09


  • 18th century,
  • Romagna,
  • Giuseppe Boschi,
  • architecture,
  • treatise

How to Cite

Benincampi, I. (2021). Uno studio d’architettura civile locale. Giuseppe Boschi e le «vere regole delle proporzioni armoniche». Diciottesimo Secolo, 6, 111–119. https://doi.org/10.36253/ds-12281


During the 18th century, small papal towns provided few public educational opportunities in the artistic field. Young painters and architects usually joined local private workshops, attending lectures given by professionals who had instead completed their education in Rome or in Bologna. One of these professionals was the Faenza painter and architect Giuseppe Boschi (1732-1802), who produced a series of manuscripts reflecting both the local taste and the general cultural situation of the Romagna region in the last years of the ancien régime.


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