Published 2020-06-19
- Poiesis,
- craft,
- technics,
- living practice,
- Simondon
How to Cite
Tenti, G. (2020). Pratiche viventi. Temi di una poietica contemporanea. Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi dell’estetico, 13(1), 73–82.
To overcome the art-craft dualism, a root and branch reform of a traditionally hegemonic view on human activities is needed. By focusing on Gilbert Simondon’s fundamental claims, the article aims to display the most important consequences of a more in-depth understanding of poiesis, especially in relation to its reintegration with the sphere of praxis and collective ethos and to its connections with the idea of creativity. The field of production will lastly be associated with the concept of “living practice”, regarded as important for the definition of a contemporary poietics.
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